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Conference Introduction

Co-organized by OS China, Linux Foundation APAC and OpenAtom Foundation, with support from the Linux Foundation.  GOTC aims  to grow a more thriving Open Source ecosystem. GOTC brings the industry leaders and various top Open Source projects together, covering the latest technology tracks in Cloud Native, Big Data, AI, Internet of Things, Blockchain, DevOps, Open Source governance and more.

Honorable Guest Speakers

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圆桌主持:Yan Hou | Updating

Check Sessions



From FFmpeg performance acceleration to endpoint-cloud integrated media system optimization

FFmpeg, as a Swiss army knife for open-source audio and video processing, is very popular because of its free openess, powerful functions, convenience and ease of use. The high computational complexity of audio and video processing makes performance acceleration an eternal theme of FFmpeg development. AliCloud video cloud media processing system extensively draws on the experience of open-source FFmpeg in performance acceleration. At the same time, it optimizes the endpoint-cloud integrated media system according to the needs of its own products and architecture, to create a high-performance, high-definition and low-latency endpoint-cloud collaborative real-time media service.


Why can SRS achieve the Top 1 open-source video server in global?

-Rapid growth of domestic audio and video business -Continuous updating and improvement 
-The performance is three times that of similar projects
 -In the background of Internet cloud services 
-Positive cycle: open-source, application, training 
-Accurate positioning of no to do everything


Make CPU Fly High -- Practices of Multimedia Processing Performance Optimization of FFmpeg

The performance problem in multimedia field is one of the enduring topics. In the cloud, except the well-known distributed processing of task fragmentation, it is also very important for the way of speeding up audio and video processing in more details to customize various workflows of FFmpeg according to business forms. This topic takes the design of cloud multimedia processing architecture as the introduction point, gradually unfolds and shares the performance problems encountered in details, then gives solutions to greatly improve performance, so that listeners can have a more comprehensive understanding of our work in optimizing high-performance FFmpeg applications.


Evolution of QiNiu Video Cloud Service Architecture

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, audio and video applications have become indispensable partners in people's work and life. Although many big companies have built video cloud services to cope with the changes in market demand, most companies and developers will choose cloud services to build their own online audio and video applications. This speech wants to give you a clear process of building audio and video capabilities by introducing the architecture evolution of QiNiu Cloud Video Cloud Service. Based on the improvement of user experience, this lecture focuses on the evolution of cloud service process from live broadcast technology to RTC, and how to make audio and video higher (resolution), faster (low latency) and stronger (powerful service capability) step by step. At the same time, the speech will involve the comparison and use experience of some open source technologies in the audio and video field, which will also bring good benefits to companies and developers who need to build their own audio and video services.


Practice and Thinking of FreeSWITCH Open Source and Commercialization

1. FreeSWITCH is an open source real-time audio and video communication system, which is not as general and popular as FFmpeg, but still be active like FFmpeg in the communication field. 2. From the end of 2007 when started to contact FreeSWITCH, slowly went from submitting Bug reports and patches to becoming FreeSWITCH core Committer, submitting 140,000 lines of code in 14 years… What kind of experience is it? 3. From FreeSWITCH technology blog to the hand-written “FreeSWITCH Authoritative Guide”, what has this book brought me? 4. What pitfalls have you faced from open source evangelism to getting the first consulting fee, to commercial technical support and products/services? 5. The future can be expected. How to judge the future of open source?

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An Introduction To eBPF and programming

Describe the main developments of eBPF, and some tips on BPF programming with libbpf CO-RE. 1. BPF's past and present 2. Why BPF? 3. Where to start 4. Some real cases


OpenEuler's Year in Chinese Universities

College students have always been the talent reserve army for industrial development. Since its establishment, openEuler community has attached great importance to personnel training in colleges and universities. From 2020 to 2021, what achievements have openEuler made in the ecosystem development of colleges and universities, and what challenges have it encountered? This topic will be discussed with you one by one.


From Chromium OS to openFyde

Chromium OS is an open source OS project led by Google, which aims to build a simpler, faster and safer operating system based on Chromium browser. Chrome OS, a commercial product packaged by the Chromium OS project, has achieved great success in European and American markets in the past few years. This share will briefly explain how Chrome OS differs from the familiar Linux operating systems, and why we launched openFyde, an open source project based on FydeOS.


Optimization and Practice of PRP High Availability Network

How to achieve the highest availability of the network? Do you need maximum security to achieve reliable data exchange? Do you need zero latency handover and zero packet loss communication in case of network failure? The answer to your question: PRP parallel redundancy technology basedon Linux kernel!


OS Cluster Operation and Maintenance Toolchain -- From Foreman + Katello to Kirin Upgrade Management Platform

With the increase of operating system cluster scale, users put forward higher requirements for configuration distribution, CVE patch management and SP upgrade. Taking Foreman + Katello as the upstream operation software in the community has been difficult to meet the needs of users. Kylin upgrade management platform can effectively solve the problems of user operation and improve operation efficiency based-on the actual needs.

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What’s New in PHP 8

PHP 8 brings a large number of new features such as JIT, annotations, union types, named parameters, etc., which also means that PHP 8 has better performance, richer syntax and stronger type safety support. Quietly, PHP 8.1 is already on the way, and the introduction of enumeration and coordination has added bright colors to the PHP world. With JIT, has the road of PHP performance optimization come to an end? With the advent of synergistic features, how far is PHP from a complete synergistic programming system? Will Event Loop, Synergy Hook and CPU Scheduling, which have been proven in Swoole, be introduced in the future? Perhaps, everything has just begun, and there is still an endless sea of stars ahead... This sharing will bring you the latest news of PHP's continuous iteration.


Make Development, Testing, Operation Fully Automatic, Build the Next Generation of Java Development Tools for a Brand New IT Ecosystem

In recent years, China's information technology has developed rapidly, and software engineering has become one of the fastest growing disciplines in the computer field. Our country attaches great importance to the development of software industry. Java is one of the most popular languages in the field of software development both in the past decades and in the foreseeable future. How does the new generation Java development tool CalEx Tech SoFlu automatic software engineering platform help enterprises realize automatic development, testing, operation and maintenance through visual logic programming, make every person worth ten, which effectively helps enterprises to reduce costs and increase efficiency?


Go, Go + and Data Science

This topic mainly introduces the similarities and differences between Go and Go+, and the core considerations for the development of data science.


OpenBlock: From children programming to enterprise-level development

OpenBlock is a project born out of children graphical programming. Currently, it has developed into a framework to support enterprise-level development. It has good applications in games, education and other fields. This sharing will introduce the language features and application scenarios of OpenBlock, as well as the architecture, operation mechanism and expansion capability of OpenBlock.


Python-based OpenAPI practices

OpenAPI (formerly Swagger) is a popular REST API description specification, with many very practical Web API development tools. Python, on the other hand, is a popular programming language that can be used to develop Web APIs very efficiently. This topic will start with an introduction to OpenAPI, explore how to implement OpenAPI support in popular Python Web frameworks, and finally introduce some existing solutions and tools.

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About "Unified IoT Data Fabric" architecture: An open-source Internet of Things underlaying software

This topic will introduce an open-source Internet of Things messaging server and HStream stream processing database based on the architecture concept of "Unified IoT Data Fabric", as well as the unified Internet of Things data connection, movement, processing and analysis solutions from edge to cloud. Listeners can learn how to build large-scale Internet of Things and Internet of Vehicles applications based on open-source software.


Efficient Processing of IoT Data

1: IoT data characteristics; 2. Existing processing method; 3. Technical challenges of IoT data processing at present; 4: Technological innovation of TDengine; 5: Why open source the core codes.





Open Source, Ignites the Fire of RISC-V Innovation

In the outline of the "14th Five-Year Plan", "open source" was explicitly included in the five-year plan for national economic and social development for the first time. This sharing reviews the great influence of open source on the development of computing technology, and shares the exploration and future prospect of RISC-V by RVBoards open source community.


Who Is the Winner: The Evolution History of Embedded OSes in The Past 20 Years

This sharing introduces the embedded operating systems at home and abroad (especially domestic embedded operating systems) in recent 20 years, including technical characteristics, usage and open source, and finally gives some personal views on the development of open source embedded operating systems.

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Opening Keynote



Blockchain distributed identity technology and physical asset management

Introduction and practice of blockchain distributed identity technology


Why do we need infrastructure like Blockchain Service Network (BSN)? 下载PPT

1) The essence of blockchain technology, explaining the disadvantages of existing data transmission methods on the Internet and the revolutionary characteristics of blockchain 2) The current situation of the blockchain industry 3) What is Blockchain Service Network(BSN) 4) What problems does BSN solve and why it is important


Hyperledger Fabric: Huawei Blockchain Quickly Empowers Government Affairs

1. Introduce the current situation and pain points of government affairs 2. Huawei's government service architecture, advantages and core technologies 3. Summary and outlook


Hybrid Cloud BaaS Platform Architecture 下载PPT

Hybrid deployment of public cloud and private cloud has become the development direction of the next generation cloud computing. This sharing will discuss what BaaS services need to be improved and upgraded for deploying blockchain network in hybrid cloud


Blockchain + AIoT digital financial supervision warehouse and AI real-time risk control case sharing 下载PPT

1. Blockchain + IoT realizes the digitalization of assets in the process of industrial finance digitalization, and forms a digital twin that corresponding to physical space one by one in digital space; 2. Blockchain + AI to achieve penetrable, traceable and controllable assets, AI real-time monitoring and risk warning 3. Case sharing of financial supervision warehouse and digital factory


National Cryptography Administration Affirmative Transformation and Sharing of VoneBaaS Platform

This sharing describes the process of supporting national commercial cryptographic algorithm on VoneBaaS platform based on Hyperledger Fabric


The essence of integration - the embodiment of blockchain in technology integration 下载PPT

The integration and application of blockchain technology with cloud computing, AI, Big Data and other technologies will deepen our understanding of the role and value of blockchain technology in the overall architecture of new digital infrastructure.

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OpenJS Foundation –Neutral Home for Open Source JavaScript and Web Technology

OpenJS Foundation is the global core community for open source JavaScript and other Web technologies, with more than 30 core projects, including Appium, Dojo, Electron, jQuery, Node.js, and webpack. Robin Ginn, Executive Director of OpenJS Foundation, will talk about the latest development of this lifeful foundation, the dynamics of its members, and the planning and prospect of the future open source community in China in this keynote of GOTC.


Build a reliable Grand Front-end engineering system 下载PPT

The scale of front-end code continues to increase, large-scale Web systems, security and compliance all bring increasingly difficult challenges. How to build a standardized, high-quality, efficient, safe and compliant automated front-end engineering system for the delivery of Web systems in large-scale front-end product, to meet higher and higher project requirements, and to guide the team to continuously improve and optimize through data visualization in the R&D process, has become a problem currently encountered by the industry. We will bring DEVUI's enlightenment this time.


Exploration and Practice of Flutter-based Web Rendering Engine "Beihai Kraken" 下载PPT

At present, cross-end has become an unavoidable topic in the front-end. With the popularity of IoT devices, more and more "ends" emerge in our daily development. Since Hybrid and React Native (Weex), Flutter has become the new favorite of cross-end in the past two years with its simplified rendering pipeline and self-drawing rendering features. However, the development mode of Dart + Widget and the ecosystem separated from the front end have caused the R&D cost to be too high. Based on this background, we explore a Flutter application scheme based on W3C standard, which connects the front-end ecosystem upwards and ensures multi-end consistency through self-drawing downwards.


Vite – Next generation Web development tool 下载PPT

Before ESM appeared, developers would package to build Web App because browsers lacked JS modularization mechanism. During this period, packaging tools such as WebPack were widely used. However, with the increase of project files, the running time of Dev Server and HMR becomes longer, which greatly damages the development efficiency and experience of developers.
 Vite is a tool created to improve the development experience of developers. It has faster service startup, and a lightweight and faster hot-fix mechanism. This topic will analyze Vite, so that everyone can know more about Vite and be more handy in actual use.


Open source Fast App Platform – How to Empower Smart Devices 下载PPT

As a basic platform, Fast App platform has been developing rapidly. To support a wider range of scenarios, connect more smart devices, and serve more developers, the Fast App Framework plans to open source for the public, inviting more developers to participate and contribute to the construction of the existing Fast App community. After open sourced, the latest version of the Fast App Framework provides perfect screen size layout support, multi-terminal adaptation, multi-modal interactive integration and other functions, and will continue to bring more and more practical new features in the future.


Build a new mode of cloud collaborative R&D based-on uni-app

Cross-end framework liberates front-end productivity, while Serverless liberates back-end operation productivity. And when the cross-end framework meets Serverless, what kind of fantastic reaction will occur?
 This time I will share the cross-cloud and cross-end Serverless solution created by the uni-app team and a series of explorations of uni-app open-source framework in the Vue 3.0 upgrading. The main contents include:
 1. Introduction of DCloud Company and uni-app framework, open-source and commercialization
 2. Cloud collaborative R&D mode
 3. Intelligently generate cloud integrated code
 4. Exploration and practice in the process of Vue 3.0 
upgrading in uni-app 5. Vue 3.0 SSR support based-on Serverless


Exploring the type-friendly Node.js Web Framework 下载PPT

Type system was a concept with very low presence in the front-end field. But with the rise and popularity of TypeScript, type system gradually entered the field of vision of front-end developers. The improvement in error detection capability, abstraction capability and security brought by it are exactly what modern Web development urgently needs. However, the emerging TypeScript has not solved the type safety problem in all scenarios. In HTTP requests, RPC, cross-end interface calls and other scenarios, there will still be situations where type safety cannot be achieved. Farrow is committed to solve the problem of type safety in server-side development and the problem of type synchronization between client and server, and provides an end-to-end type safety scheme based on TypeScript. This sharing will deeply analyze its implementation principle.


Technology Upgrades Behind Apache ECharts 5

Apache ECharts 5 brings new features such as state management, label upgrade, dynamic narrative, theme visual optimization, universal fillet effect, dashboard upgrade, timeline upgrade, prompt box upgrade, sticker pattern, data conversion, performance improvement, etc. These features focus on visual design, interactive ability, development experience, accessibility and dynamic narration, which ECharts continuously pays attention to. This speech will first show the new features, then share the implementation principles of some features, including state transition design with animation, dirty rectangle rendering principle and broken line graph performance optimization. It is expected that these practices can bring some reference to developers who encounter similar problems.

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Challenges and trends of distributed file systems in the cloud-native era 下载PPT

What new problems have distributed file systems encountered in the cloud-native era? How to solve these problems? This sharing will lead you to understand the architecture of cloud-native distributed file system, and the needs and challenges surrounding data in Big Data, AI and other fields.


A History of TiDB Query Optimizer 下载PPT

Optimizer acts as the brain of the database and is responsible for stably generating an efficient execution plan for each SQL. This sharing will introduce to you how TiDB's corresponding optimizer developed in the evolution of HTAP architecture, what pitfalls it stepped on, what it did right, how to support TP and AP query optimization through one optimizer, and the future development prospect of the optimizer.


Excel the predecessors: Pigsty -- An out-of-the-box open-source PG distribution 下载PPT

As the most advanced open source relational database in the world, PostgreSQL has been widely loved by users. However, in its ecosystem, there is a lack of * *real open-source * * professional and comprehensive monitoring system (large-scale, multi-layer) and sufficient reliable and easy-to-use deployment control scheme (high availability, shallow learning curve). Pigsty exists for this reason: as an out-of-the-box * * open-source * * PostgreSQL distribution, it includes a complete professional-level monitoring and highly available database deployment scheme, bringing the classical database the ease of use and observability comparable to the new generation of distributed databases. This sharing will introduce the problems solved by Pigsty, the niche occupied, and the origin, development and further planning of the project itself.


Technical Implementation and Challenges of Building Real-time Data Middleground Based on MongoDB 下载PPT

Real-time data middleground can effectively solve the problems caused by data silos. This sharing will explain what real-time data middleground is. What are the core technical requirements? What is the main basis for technology selection? And the plan of quick practicing. Through this sharing, you will understand the key technical details of rapid implementing the data middleground based on the characteristics and features of MongoDB.


Interpretation and Future Planning of Apache Doris, a Cloud Native Data Warehouse 下载PPT

1. Briefly introduce the history and some main functional characteristics of Doris. 2. Introduce the functions we are doing and look forward to some development directions of Doris as a cloud native database.


Leveraging Apache ShardingSphere to Create an Open Source Database Distributed Ecosystem

Apache ShardingSphere, as the top project of Apache Software Foundation, has been attracting much attention in the field of distributed database middleware ecosystem. GitHub 14K + star, 250 + contributors, and 160 + user cases have been achieved. Since the release of the new version of 5.x, its own architecture is pluggable, its functional stability is improved, its feature combination schemes are diversified, and its community is more international. This sharing will start from the architecture concept, features and functions, and explain to the audience how to use Apache ShardingSphere to build their own open source database distributed ecosystem. Through the concept of pluggable design platform, it provides standardized data shardings, distributed transactions, flexible scaling, data encryption, shadow database and other capabilities, and uses DistSQL for standardized SQL operation, and provides multiple accesses such as Java driver and database protocol for different scenarios.


The Case for Cloud-Native Streaming Databases 下载PPT

In this talk, I will present the design and implementation of the cloud-native streaming database we are currently developing at Singularity Data Inc., a database startup innovating the next-generating database systems. Agenda: - Who are we? Co-founders, teams, company - Motivation Why to build streaming databases? - Idea How to build streaming databases? - Challenges and opportunities The hard part of building streaming databases - Summary


A Cloud Native Distributed Vector Database -- Milvus 2.0

It has been nearly 2 years since the Milvus project started, and the Milvus R&D team has received support and feedback from 1000+ users around the world in these 2 years. During this period, the community is constantly exploring how to create a system-level vector search platform, so that Milvus can become the core software infrastructure and serve more AI and big data scenarios. Combining these experiences, we recently launched Milvus 2.0, which has made great progress in cloud native and distributed, and laid a good foundation for Milvus to further help enterprise AI transformation. This sharing will introduce the main features and future prospects of Milvus 2.0.


Using ChubaoFS to Help Build a Machine Learning Platform

ChubaoFS has been put into use in the production environment of machine learning platform of many companies, which provides high-performance, high-availability and scalable shared storage service for model files, and greatly reduces the overhead of metadata management of model files. This speech will focus on how ChubaoFS can help the construction of machine learning platform and the benefits it brings, and provide a stable distributed storage solution for the construction of AI platform.

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Cloud-native observability and Apache SkyWalking 下载PPT

In recent years, with the popularization of cloud-native technology, the popularity of PaaS and SaaS is getting higher and higher, and the traditional monitoring system is evolving towards observability system. Cloud-native observability includes three core concepts: Metric, Tracing and Logging. Apache SkyWalking has completed a closed loop of cloud-native observability after years of deep cultivation. Users can use Apache SkyWalking to build a unified observability platform efficiently and stably. This sharing will introduce the detailed connotation of cloud-native observability, and focus on how Apache SkyWalking relies on the power of the open-source community to complete this complex closed loop of ecosystem.


Architecture design and principle of Apache Pulsar, a cloud-native message flow platform 下载PPT

In the cloud-native era, developers should focus more on applications and microservices instead of wasting time maintaining complex messaging and data flow infrastructure. As the next generation of cloud-native distributed message flow platform, Pulsar has proactively adopted the cloud-native architecture of storage and computing separated, layered, and sharded since its birth, greatly reducing the expansion and operation difficulties encountered by users in the messaging system, and is the best solution to implement the data transmission, storage and computing of real-time message flow in the cloud-native era. In this sharing, Jia Zhai will give an in-depth introduction to Apache Pulsar's cloud-native features and architectural advantages, as well as the latest technological progress and evolution of Pulsar in the era of full cloud-native.


The latest development & Roadmap of Apache DolphinScheduler, a new generation of Big Data scheduling platform 下载PPT

DolphinScheduler is the first top open-source project contributed to Apache Foundation in the field of Big Data workflow in China. The sharing content will focus on why a Big Data workflow scheduler should be developed, why is it used by many users in the production environment once it is open-sourced, what is the architecture, how is the architecture iterated, what efforts have been made to achieve higher performance, what pitfalls have been encountered in R&D scheduling, and how to solve them, the latest development of the community, Roadmap planning in the cloud-native era, and other more


Evolution and Architecture Practices of Micro-service Governance Based-on API Gateway

With the development of business and the expansion of scale, the service particles are getting finer and finer, and the number is increasing. We have had a lot of experience and exploration in the process, and gradually transformed the system from a background system serving a single business party to a micro-service governance architecture that supports massive content, serves multiple business parties and has complex and changeable business rules. Through API gateway, we effectively coordinate various services running online and guarantee SLA of services. Capacity management is carried out based-on the performance KPI data of service call, and a series of upgrades such as downgrade, fuse and traffic-limited are carried out by upgrading the technical middleground.


Vineyard: An Open Source Distributed Memory Data Management Engine 下载PPT

Vineyard is a distributed data sharing engine designed for end-to-end computing tasks in big data scenarios. It allows data to flow between the memory of various professional systems on the pipeline, and at the same time, it provides out-of-the-box abstraction of high-level data structures (such as tensor and graph) to facilitate the development of data interfaces of various professional systems. Finally, Vineyard enables users to access distributed data like using local data variables in the whole process, which greatly improves the efficiency of users' research and development of big data pipeline.


How Does Gitee Support The Development of Open Source Projects 下载PPT

How to develop open source projects is a concern of developers. This topic will introduce Gitee's exploration in this field. Key points: - Gitee supports for open source licenses - Judge the activity of open source projects in all directions through the Gitee Index - How does Gitee support collaborative development of large-scale open source projects like OpenHarmony - Gitee open source code specification, how to scan for vulnerabilities - How does Gitee support GitHub bidirectional synchronization - Some of Gitee's capabilities in supporting open source project operations


Implementation and Application of XuperChain Technology 下载PPT

This sharing introduces the technical characteristics and core breakthroughs of Baidu's autonomous and controllable blockchain technology XuperChain, as well as the open source ecosystem operation, and introduces the application scenarios of XuperChain in justice, finance and government affairs.


Design and Implementation of the Next Generation Cloud Native Microservice Framework -- Dubbo 3

This topic introduces the design and implementation of Dubbo 3 in scale, multilingual, penetrating and heterogeneous system deployment support, take you into the next generation of cloud native micro-services

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Open Source TEE Technology Makes Confidential Computing Easy

Confidential computing is the focus of attention in the field of cloud security and privacy protection in recent years. It focuses on protecting data in use, which is usually the most challenging step in data protection. Using Trusted Execution Environments (TEE) technology, confidential computing makes data always encrypted and strongly isolated, thus ensuring the security and privacy of user data. This topic will comprehensively analyze TEE technology and introduce some excellent open source projects and industry practices in this field.


Evolution and Prospect of Linux Kernel Offense and Defense

This topic will first classify attacks according to actual means against Linux kernel, find out the evolution law of attack methods, and then look forward to the possible attack means of kernel in the future, propose new protection strategies.


Arm v9’s New Security Features and Open Source Community

Cloud security is an important issue in the field of cloud computing, and its implementation depends on the joint support of software and underlying architecture. Arm has been committed to the construction of open source ecosystem and has continuously introduced new hardware architectures to meet the needs of the underlying architecture. In March this year, Arm launched Armv9 architecture, which includes a new security feature CCA (Confidential Compute Architecture) to ensure the construction of cloud security framework from the bottom up and will have a positive impact on the development of open source community in the future. At the same time, the launch of Arm's new architecture also indicates that it needs more support from the open source world. Since the release of Armv9 architecture has only disclosed less information, this lecture will give a forward-looking introduction to it, and more detailed contents need to be released later by Arm.


Introduction and Prospect of openEuler Security Technology

This topic introduces the application and future planning of openEuler security technology in community, including IMA, SecGear, KunpengSecL and so on.

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Opening Keynote: Open Source Edge

LF Edge is an open source project of Linux Foundation, which includes several famous edge projects, such as Akraino, EdgeX, Home Edge, EVE and so on. In this speech, Arpit will introduce the latest open source progress, roadmap, strategy and new technologies of LF Edge.


Promotion of EdgeX China Challenge 2021 下载PPT

Review of EdgeX China Challenge 2020; Introduction to the schedule and rules of EdgeX China Challenge 2021


Cloud Native Practices of Edge AI

With the rapid increase in the number of Internet intelligent devices, with the advent of 5G and Internet of Things era, the traditional centralized storage and computing mode of cloud computing center can no longer meet the needs of terminal devices for timeliness, capacity and computing power. It will be an important development trend of cloud computing to extend business to the edge and carry out unified delivery, operation and control through the center. But extending AI to the edge faces more and more complex problems than traditional AI. Here, the topic will introduce how Baidu AI Cloud can solve the business deployment problem in AI era by combining edge computing, cloud native and AI, so that AI can quickly implement in various industries.


Edge Stream Data Analysis Based-on Kuiper and KubeEdge 下载PPT

EMQ X Kuiper is an open source lightweight Internet of Things edge data analysis and streaming software, which can run on various edge devices with limited resources. KubeEdge is an open source system that extends native containerized application orchestration capabilities to edge hosts. This presentation will introduce how to use KubeEdge's application orchestration capabilities and Kuiper's streaming data analysis capabilities, covering Kuiper data ETL (extraction, transformation and loading), sorting, grouping, aggregation, SQL functions and binary data processing. At the same time, it will also introduce the expansion of audio and video AI analysis, as well as the time window required for Internet of Things analysis and other functions. Finally, we will introduce KubeEdge Cloud Collaboration Channel and how users can manage analysis logic in the cloud and adapt to agile business requirements.


Edge Computing Practices in Power Industry Based-on EdgeX Foundry 下载PPT

When applying edge computing to business scenarios in power industry, we often encounter problems such as heterogeneous devices, protocol mismatching, instantaneity and closed-loop data. How to solve these problems efficiently and reasonably is an important assessment standard for a solution to truly practice. For a wide range of heterogeneous devices and protocols, how to meet various requirements such as numerical calculation, AI inference and remote operation? When solving these problems, what open source solutions are valuable, and how to make these solutions better match the needs of scenarios? Starting from the actual power scene, we will introduce how to use edge computing technology and EdgeX Foundry open source architecture software to realize the technology implementation in the power scene.


From Baetyl to Intelligent Digital World 下载PPT

Since its inception, Project Baetyl has been committed to seamlessly expanding applications and capabilities on the cloud to the edge and realizing ubiquitous computing. Internet of Things, cloud and artificial intelligence are developing rapidly. Although they have made a lot of applications and achievements, they are still relatively independent in ecosystem and lack of synergy. Baetyl combines the three ecosystems organically through cooperation with EdgeX Foundry, Kubernetes and PaddlePaddle, helping developers to bring applications into a intelligent digital world.


Open Horizon: An Introduction to Ultra-Large-Scale Edge Container Application Governance Platform and Industry Applications

As a project of Edge Sub-foundation of Linux Foundation, Open Horizon joined the foundation in April 2020, constantly improving the influence of technology and community/customers, and officially announced the graduation from At Large (Stage 1) to Growth (Stage 2) in March this year. Open Horizon provides a policy-based, more autonomous and automated way to remotely deploy and manage containerized edge applications and related machine learning modules, taking into account the instability and security of the network and the requirements for the deployment and management of more than 10,000 large-scale edge device nodes. In addition to briefly introducing the main design ideas and capabilities of Open Horizon and the latest situation of community development, this topic will also share the cooperation between Open Horizon and other Linux Foundation open source projects, as well as the application cases in related industries.


EdgeGallery Empowers Industry Innovation

Facing the current POC projects up to 6000+ in the 5G2B market, there are very few that can really be replicated. The core reason is the difference between industry scene/language and ICT technology. At the same time, there is no unified platform to get through, and it is impossible to accumulate innovation achievements. EdgeGallery's goal is to build a unified edge computing platform in the industry, support industry customer innovation, gather application ecosystems, and promote the development and maturity of the industry.


Innovation and Application Practices of Edge Computing Technology 下载PPT

With the development of edge computing, a lot of open source projects for edge computing have emerged. For example, EdgeX, Kubeedge, StarlingX, Superedge, Baetyl, but these edge computing projects have encountered some challenges in solving the current practical problems. This speech starts from solving the practical problems of users, and looks at what kind of technology stack is needed on the edge side to support different user scenarios and needs, and how ThunderSoft solves these problems.


Practice of China Mobile's 5G Edge Computing and Open Source Progress

The speech will share China Mobile's exploration work in the field of 5G network construction and edge computing, introduce the best practice cases of China Mobile's 5G edge computing in 2C/2B to global partners, and share the latest progress, practice and thinking on the future development of 5G edge computing open source work.


Cross-Cloudy Multi-Edge Application Orchestration Solution of Intel Open Source OpenNESS

Open Network Edge Service Software is an open source MEC software toolkit based on Intel hardware and platform technology, which can implement a highly optimized and high-performance edge platform across heterogeneous networks. It contains several building blocks, such as EPA platform awareness, 5G control management, high-performance network CNI plug-in and so on. This time, the speech introduces OpenNESS EMCO, an Edge Multiple Cloud Orchestrator, which is a Kubernetes-based cross-regional distributed application orchestrator. EMCO runs at a higher level than Kubernetes and interacts with multiple edges and clouds that run Kubernetes. EMCO's primary goal is to automate the deployment of applications and services across multiple clusters. It acts as a central coordinator for managing edge application services and networks across geographically distributed edge clusters.


Practice of Cloud Native Edge Computing Technology in Tencent WEMAKE Industrial Internet

With the development of 5G and Internet of Things technology, a large number of intelligent terminals, applications and data are located at the edge of the network. Tencent WeMake Industrial Internet platform uses SuperEdge edge container technology to create a safe and efficient industrial Internet solution, which is based on the platform's powerful data, computing power, algorithm and connectivity capabilities, and superimposed with a large number of industrial Know-how, mechanism models and OT technologies to ensure the reliability and security of core resources such as enterprise applications and data. This topic will share practices and explorations of the development path based on the combination of cloud native and edge computing technology, and verifying the great potential and development space of cloud native technology in the field of edge computing. At the same time, it will also share the problems and challenges encountered in practice, as well as the prospect of WEMAKE in the field of edge computing.



圆桌主持:Yan Zhang | Updating

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Launching Ceremony and Keynote of LF Open Source Education and Talent Training Summit

As Senior Vice President and General Manager of Linux Foundation Training and Certification, Clyde contributes to the Linux Foundation's training team, upgrading exams to help professional training, technical training and certification, global personal, institutional learning and use of open source. Clyde will share the latest open source education and talent development in the world, and the latest news from Linux Foundation and LFOSS.


Reflection: Behind the Prosperity and Development of IT Education in China

Understand the situation of open source industry and the importance and challenges of open source training from the perspective of community, universities and enterprises.


New Global Trends of Cloud Native Security

In this speech, Tim will share the global trends and current situations such as containers, K8s and security. As a senior tutor of K8s, Tim will also give you the importance and Tips of taking CKA, CKS and other certification examinations.


Integrated whole process safety protection practice of container application 下载PPT

This sharing will introduce the new requirements and challenges for infrastructure security capabilities under the current situation of wide application of containers, and introduce the security practices of AliCloud Container Service and Cloud Security Team in the whole process of enterprise container application integration in trusted container system, DevSecOps, etc.


Talk About the Rise of Global OSPO

Open source has become the mainstream in the digital transformation era, which is a fait accompli and the first choice of enterprises. It also brings challenges while being empowered by open source. After all, open source is a brand-new culture in the post-industrial era, and it is a brand-new challenge for enterprise management and strategy. At the right time, Linux Foundation Software University customized the training camp plan of open source management and strategy based on TODOGroup's open source strategy course according to the domestic situation. In this roundtable, we will discuss the current situation, the needs of enterprises and the vision and significance of the course.
圆桌主持:Jiansheng Li | Founder of Open-source Doctrine APAC Open Source Evangelist of Linux Foundation


Grow with You: Open Source in The Intelligent Age

AI talent training has been a hot industrial topic in recent years, and has also become an important cornerstone to promote the sustained and rapid development of China's artificial intelligence industry. Open source software not only helps personnel training, but also brings new challenges. While the Ministry of Education is vigorously developing AI discipline construction and curriculum development, enterprises are also duty-bound to cultivate AI talents. At the same time, they have rich resources to contribute to the cultivation of AI talents. The lecturer will express her own views on AI talent cultivation in the open source software environment and share some efforts made by Intel in this field.


My Ten Years of Linux Kernel Development and Application 下载PPT

The last 10 years is the golden decade of the development of OS system software in China, and it is also the 10 years when Linux kernel continued to expand its territory. With the application of Linux kernel in Huawei (from single-point product to large-scale applications; from sporadic community contributions, to TOP community contributors and then to openEuler community), the author has gradually grown from a young rookie to an old bird with rich experience in Linux kernel development and maintenance. This topic shares the author's experience in open source community development, key nodes of growth, and experience and views on kernel development and maintenance.


Cultivation of open-source distributed database talents 下载PPT

As one of the most active communities of open-source distributed database in the world, TiDB has explored a characteristic road from 0 to 1 in the training of core database technical talents. Relying on Talent Plan design and upgrade, TiDB has established an open-source distributed database talent model that interacts with universities, communities and users for win-win results.


Technical Women Salon

IT technology used to be an industry where there were more men than women. With more understanding of the industry, more women are interested in science and technology, and more women are participating in it. This salon invites outstanding ladies of science and technology in the industry to share their experiences in work and life, as well as the current situation of talent cultivation in open-source science and technology from the perspective of women, and the advantages of participating in this industry.
圆桌主持:Jerry Li | Head of the OSChina Community and Operation Director of the Linux Foundation's Open Source Software Academy

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Fluid: An Open Source Cloud Native Elastic Data Orchestration and Acceleration System

Fluid is a flexible data orchestration and acceleration open source project (CNCF Sandbox Project) under the Cloud Native Foundation. Cloud native computing storage separation architecture not only improves system elasticity and flexibility, but also brings challenges in computing performance and management efficiency to data-intensive applications such as Big Data/AI. The existing cloud native orchestration frameworks face pain points such as high data access delay, difficult joint analysis of multiple data sources, and complex data use process. Fluid is born to solve these problems, and its goal is to build an efficient support platform for data-intensive applications in the cloud native environment. Fluid puts forward a series of technological innovations in collaborative orchestration, scheduling optimization and data caching of cloud native applications and data. Its core functions include: providing data abstraction without storage awareness, intelligent data orchestration based-on container scheduling, application scheduling for data localization on the cloud, pluggable data caching engine and simplifying application access. The Fluid project has developed rapidly in just over half a year, attracting the attention and contribution of experts and engineers from many large factories. The project Adoptor attracted many large-scale well-known IT and Internet enterprises such as Alibaba, Tencent, Weibo, Qihoo 360, China Telecom, BOSS Zhipin and 4paradigm.


SuperEdge Distributed Container System 下载PPT

SuperEdge is an open source edge container system jointly released by Tencent Cloud, VMware, Intel,, Cambricon, Meituan and Capital Online, aiming to help business implement edge scenes in the native way of edge cloud. What problems does it solve and what value can it bring? This speech will share with you the technology and stories hidden inside SuperEdge.


How to Monitor Multiple Clusters Uniformly 下载PPT

At Rancher, we help users adopt and manage multiple Kubernetes clusters in heterogeneous public and private clouds. Prometheus has been widely used for monitoring in the Kubernetes world, but it is not easy to establish a centralized monitoring stack for different kinds of clusters. This topic will share: - Monitoring needs from different users and why the Prometheus Federation cannot meet the needs. - How do we establish centralized monitoring for multiple clusters, and focus on the scalability and durability of monitoring clusters. - Lessons we learned in building tools


A Future-oriented Cloud Native Automation Operation and Maintenance System

Kubernetes is a production-level container orchestration engine, but it still has some problems, such as complex system and high cost of fault diagnosis. Netease Canoe team has accumulated a lot of production practice experience in the stability guarantee work in recent years. We have precipitated and implemented the cloud native fault diagnosis system to help products evaluate the stability of clusters and provide optimization suggestions for users. This topic shares our practice of stability guarantee in different periods of business implementation, and our thinking on productization of cluster stability guarantee, hoping to bring some inspiration to readers and friends.


KubeVela: Practice of Alibaba's New Generation Cloud Native Application Deployment Engine

In the cloud native era, the infrastructure is maturing day by day, and more and more application developers begin to pursue more efficient application deployment and delivery. However, the application management in the cloud native environment always makes developers unable to find a way, and K8s is too complicated to learn; Helm chart is a black box. How to manage cloud resources? How should middleware interface with applications? How can log monitoring be unified in different deployment environments? How can application management and delivery become standard and unified? All these have gradually become pain points in the cloud native domain besides the traditional PaaS requirements. This sharing will introduce KubeVela, a new star project in the cloud native field. Once open sourced, it won thousands of stars in just half a year, which ushered in a lot of attention. KubeVela is the first standard implementation of the Development Application Model (OAM) jointly launched by Alibaba and Microsoft. Based on Kubernetes, KubeVela provides powerful abstraction and extensibility for application management, and launches the era of "programmable application platform" in the industry. Not only that, KubeVela also contains a lot of out-of-the-box capabilities, such as application versioning injection, gray publishing, rollback, traffic management, cloud resource production and consumption, observability and so on. Not only that, but this sharing will also introduce a large number of application management practices based on KubeVela in Alibaba.


Thinking and Practice of The Cloud Native Evolution of Telecom

With the maturity of the network cloud, the cloud native concept and technologies such as containers and micro-services have been gradually introduced into the existing network, and the operator network cloud has gradually started the cloud native evolution. This topic will share China Mobile's thoughts on the native evolution of network cloud, and explore the native evolution method of network cloud by combining CNCF with XGVela telecom cloud native PaaS platform from the perspective of open source.


The Open Source Road of Baidu Trillion Traffic Forwarding Platform 下载PPT

With the development of the Internet, the service quality of various Internet companies has put forward very high requirements. Network access service is a bridge between users and background services, which has a great impact on service quality. The complexity of the network, the threat of security and the popularity of mobile networks all pose great challenges to the provision of high-quality network access services. In addition, the popularity of cloud native further enhances the importance of network access services. Baidu's BFE platform has been built for many years, and now it serves more than one trillion requests every day. In the red envelope activity of Baidu Spring Festival Evening in 2019, BFE has withstood the test of huge traffic. BFE was open sourced to the outside world in 2019 and accepted by CNCF as a Sandbox Project in 2020, which is the first open source project accepted by CNCF in Web field in China. This sharing will briefly introduce the Web front-end access and load balancing technology, then explain the background, design idea and implementation mechanism of BFE open source project in depth.


EasyFaaS: Start with A Function Compute Stand-alone Engine 下载PPT

Baidu Cloud's serverless cloud native research began in 2017, and released its self-developed function computing engine that year. At the same time, CFC, a function computing solution for public cloud, began to officially operate externally. With more than 3 years of development, Baidu function computing platform has supported the practicing of a variety of application scenarios such as intelligent speaker skill DuerOS system, edge function computing DuEdge, Mobile Baidu applet, etc. At the same time, it has emerged in the field of privatization, provided mature privatization solutions, and completed its practicing in the financial industry. In order to better promote the wave of serverless, Baidu will open source the function calculation engine EasyFaaS, too. Starting from EasyFaaS, this sharing will introduce the "thinking and doing" of EasyFaaS open source project, and also share the original design intention and technical architecture of EasyFaaS, as well as the current situation and prospect of serverless open source ecosystem.


A GraalVM-based unified runtime for eBPF and WebAssembly 下载PPT

eBPF is the next Linux superpower, many Cloud Native projects are using eBPF or have their own wrappers in user-space. Though works mainly in kernel-space, in fact, eBPF can also be apply to user-space with the concept and implementation like ubpf(user-space BPF). WebAssembly is sure to be the next big thing, it will not only change the Web, but also the Cloud Native, and even the whole IT infrastructure. GraalVM is a great innovation as a universal virtual machine for running applications written in JavaScript, Python, etc, JVM-based languages like Java, Scala, Kotlin, and LLVM-based languages such as C and C++. Now it also implements GraalWasm, which is a WebAssembly engine in the GraalVM. So how about a unified runtime for both eBPF and WebAssembly that base on GraalVM?



For many years, Inspur has been trying to adapt Kubernetes to MIPS architecture platform in order to enrich the ecosystem of Kubernetes open source community. With the continuous iterative optimization and performance improvement of Loongson CPU, we have made some breakthrough progress on Loongson-mips 64el platform. At present, Inspur has successfully completed the migration and adaptation of Kubernetes and related components, not only building a stable and highly available MIPS cluster, but also completing the consistency test of Kubernetes-v1.16. 2. Inspur hopes to contribute Kubernetes' adaptation, consistency certification and other achievements to Kubernetes open source community, share our outcomes and experiences, and help the community jointly promote Kubernetes' support for MIPS architecture.


Practice Road of Large-Scale Container Cluster

With the popularity of cloud native architecture design in recent years, more and more enterprises are embracing it and enjoying the dividends it brings. When it comes to cloud native, the first step for enterprises is to build their own container cluster, which has become the standard infrastructure for software development and operation in the brand-new era. At the same time, the complexity of the system is also increasing, and application management and system operation will be challenged to some extent.


Implementation of High-Performance Container Network Based-on Macvlan 下载PPT

Macvlan is a simple and easy-to-use networking technology. It provides a flat model that allows containers to connect directly to the physical network and supports vlan-based underlying network isolation. Rancher implements an enhanced macvlan cni-plugin with a convenient user interface. It can help enterprise customers deploy Kubernetes and applications more efficiently, especially for traditional applications. This presentation will explain the features of this enhanced macvlan cni, share experiences on how to extend the Kubernetes network and the technical details of developing cni-plugin, and talk about some typical user stories about using macvlan.


Updating 下载PPT



Offense and Defense of Cloud Native Security

The wide application of cloud native has brought about great changes in IT architecture and software release process, and its security issues should not be underestimated. This topic discusses the attack means against cloud native and protection methods.


Planning and Practice of Cloud Native

1. Cloud native technology architecture makes full use of the flexibility, agility, resource pool and service-oriented characteristics of cloud computing. While changing the design, development, deployment and operation mode of cloud applications through Devops, it also brings new security requirements and challenges, requiring new security construction ideas. 2. Organizationally, it is necessary to change from fighting each other to sharing responsibilities and cooperating with each other. In terms of security capability, it is necessary to visualize the workload fine-grained and clearly, and automatically follow the changes; and make zero-trust architecture adopted for fine-grained control. 3. Through a series of tools and processes to realize security leftshift & security-once-online, and penetrate and integrate the security work into the development stage; continuous monitor and response to workload, realize efficient prediction of risks, accurate perception of threats, and rapid security response, effective threat traceability. 4. It is also necessary to integrate these security capabilities into the whole life cycle of cloud native to form an active, endogenous and collaborative cloud native security construction system.


Help Enterprises Safely Embrace Cloud Native 下载PPT

In order to cope with the new security risks brought by the cloud native environment, as well as the security problems left over from the traditional environment, TensorSecurity will share six core design concepts of security endogenous, security leftshift, security intelligence, security operation closed loop, AI immune defense and zero trust, and display related cloud native security technologies and series of solutions for information development and new technology application. At the same time, 13 kinds of capabilities required for cloud native security are defined, which are divided into three steps: basic capabilities, advanced capabilities and high-level capabilities, pointing out the future development and practice direction of cloud native security for enterprises.


Cloud Native Security Roundtable

Cloud native security is one of the major challenges faced by end users. Therefore, CNCF invites you to participate in this Cloud Native Security Roundtable to discuss how we can meet these challenges. In this roundtable, we will invite many major cloud service providers in China.

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Opening Keynote



Opening Keynote



Apollo Open Platform -- Empowering Education and Promoting Innovation

Apollo regards open source as the essence and root from the beginning. Only by opening up and sharing resources can we accelerate innovation and achieve sustainable win-win results. Since its launch in 2017, Apollo self-driving open source platform has iterated 10 versions, with 600,000 lines of open source code and 18,500 GitHub stars, making it the most active self-driving open source platform in the world. In April this year, Apollo specially launched Apollo 6.0 EDU version to better meet the needs of training autonomous driving talents. EDU here is the abbreviation of education. In the future, Apollo will continue to empower the whole industry, and will also continue to empower the training of autonomous driving talents, build a new ecosystem of production, learning and research with universities, and constantly innovate and create for the industrial process of Middle Earth, so as to achieve faster China speed, higher China quality and stronger China strength.


OpenMLDB: A New Database for AI Application Development



How AI Empowers Open Source Community Operations

With the continuous growth of the open source community, the more huger developer group poses a challenge to the community operation ability. Because of the shortage of operational resources, community managers have to face a large number of issues backlog without reply, PR audit is not timely and so on. In the long run, developers' interest in contributing to the community will plummet or even lapse from the community. Just as code developers need IDE, community operators also need appropriate operation tools. AICoOps uses AI technology to realize intelligent community operation and help community managers better integrate into the developer community. This topic will use MindSpore community practice as an example to introduce how AICoOps makes the community more popular with developers.













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上海市政府副秘书长 陈鸣波致辞


国家信息安全中心副主任 董大健 致辞

国家信息安全中心副主任 董大健 致辞


Embrace The Era of Open Source 下载PPT



Open Source Accelerator: Creating the Future

Jim's career spans three of the biggest technology trends that have emerged over the past decade: mobile computing, cloud computing, and open source software. Today, as executive director of the Linux Foundation, he uses that experience to accelerate technological innovation through the use of open source and Linux. At the Linux Foundation, Jim works with the world's largest technology companies, including Baidu, Huawei, IBM, Intel, Google, Samsung, Qualcomm and others, to help define the future of software technology on servers, clouds and various mobile computing devices. His work at the vendor-neutral Linux Foundation gives him a unique integrated perspective on the global technology industry.


The 30th Anniversary of The Super Open Source Project--Linux: Sharing from the Father of Linux

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the birth of Linux. Linux has expanded from an open source operating system project to countless different open source projects today. From supercomputers to cloud computing platforms to smart phones, Linux's influence can be said to be everywhere. Today's enterprises rely more than ever on providing value to customers through open source! In this lecture, Linus Torvalds, the father of Linux, will review the unforgettable experiences on this journey, and share the challenges faced by Linux and the future prospects. At the same time, Linus will also share valuable open source experience and suggestions with Chinese developers and enterprises.


Open Source: The Technological Culture of Baidu 下载PPT



Viewing Technology Openness From Open Source Infrastructure 下载PPT



13 years journey of Open Source China 下载PPT



Round Table: "Change" and "Constancy" of Open Source

The wind of open source has prevailed. With the rapid upwelling of this hot wind, the open source ecosystem seems to be getting a new life. What is the difference between today's open source and the past? What will happen to open source in the future? How does open source prosper from different perspectives, in different regions and in different fields? How does the open source collaborative model penetrate into other fields today? How does the conflict between open source and cloud providers? How do open source authors survive? How is open source influenced by geopolitics? How does China actively participate in open source? How to commercialize open source? ..... Leaders from several top international open source foundations will bring an in-depth roundtable talk about the new open source ecosystem.
圆桌主持:Mark Ma | CEO of OSCHINA Founder and Chairman of Forever Opensource Software Inc.

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DeepModeling Open Source Community: When AI Meets Science



AI Open Source Trends and Opportunities: Open Source Practice Based-on PaddlePaddle



Tengine Accelerates AI Deployment and Practicing in Edge Computing



Swin Transformer and Its Open Source Practice



Exploration and Practice of Building Cloud Native AI Platform on Public Cloud



Megatron: A Distributed Training Platform and Relevant Practice for Large-Scale Language Models



How "AI + Open Source" Empowers Enterprises and Developers

圆桌主持:Qiwen Liu | Senior Technical Manager of Baidu PaddlePaddle

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Opening Keynote



Opening Keynote



Harbor – An Enterpriser Cloud Native Mirror Warehouse 下载PPT

Harbor is an enterprise open source mirror warehouse that can store, sign and scan the content of cloud native products. Harbor project is the first CNCF open source project in China, especially welcomed by Chinese users. According to recent statistics, 47% of users in China use Harbor in production systems. After Harbor graduated from CNCF in June 2020, many remarkable functions have been added, such as mirror agent, online garbage collection, enhancement of robot account, P2P prewarming, performance data collection interface, IPv6 support, etc. Recently, Harbor Operator 1.0 has been released, which greatly improves the usability of Harbor on Kubernetes platform. The main purpose of this speech is to introduce the new functions that Harbor users are most concerned about and the future development direction.


KubeEdge: Architecture Management Practice of Massive Edge Nodes and Devices 下载PPT

As the only incubated edge computing project under CNCF, KubeEdge has been widely used in Internet, industry, energy, parks, transportation and other industries.
 As the only incubated edge computing project under CNCF, KubeEdge has been widely used in Internet, industry, energy, parks, transportation and other industries.
 This sharing will introduce how KubeEdge can realize cloud-edge collaboration in a low-quality network environment, and realize stable support and management of massive edge nodes and devices.


ChaosBlade's Past, Present and Future 下载PPT

Alibaba's open source chaos engineering project ChaosBlade has entered CNCF Sandbox, become the first chaos engineering platform project to support the whole lifecycle of cloud native, aiming to help enterprises solve the problem of high availability in the process of cloud native through chaos engineering. This sharing focuses on the positioning of ChaosBlade, introduces the development history and future planning of the project, and shares the commercialization exploration based on this project.


SODA: Building an Ecosystem of Data and Storage 下载PPT

SODA Foundation mission is to foster an ecosystem of open source data management and storage software for data autonomy. In this talk, we will introduce the Open Data Framework project and how it simplifies Kubernetes data and storage management. We will also share how you can contribute to SODA, as well as how your project can join the SODA ecosystem


Principle and Practice of Chaos Mesh -- a Cloud Native Chaos Engineering Platform 下载PPT

As we all know, distributed system is very complex, faults are everywhere. So, how to survive in this complex world of distributed systems, especially today, when cloud native architecture can be seen everywhere, has been an actual challenge. And now a good answer is chaos engineering. This speech mainly talks about the technical details of Chaos Mesh, a chaos engineering platform under the cloud native architecture, and various designs and tradeoffs in chaos engineering platform building. It shows the mutual promotion between cloud native architecture and chaos engineering, achieving the effect of 1 + 1 > 2.


Original security needs to be upgraded before embracing cloud native 下载PPT

Cloud native technology has brought a series of benefits to enterprises, such as cloud infrastructure, Internet core technology, application data and intelligence. With the practice and promotion of cloud native technology, more and more cloud-based enterprises enjoy the dividends brought by cloud native technology. But under the cloud native architecture, Microservices, containers and cloud native components have spawned many new security problems, whole traditional security means cannot be involved. Traditional security protection, endpoints, networks and boundaries are relatively clear at all levels. However, in the cloud environment, these boundaries become very blurred. More importantly, traditional security tools are not cloud native and cannot match the demands of cloud native for flexibility, lightweight, high efficiency, scalability nor cannot be started and stopped at any time. As a result, the efficiency of security protection cannot keep up with the speed of application iteration, and security defense cannot start and stop at any time with the dynamic expansion of services. Therefore, the key requirements of cloud native environment for security construction in management and deployment have changed:
 -Cloud native security needs to cover the depth and breadth of cloud native environment horizontally and vertically from multiple dimensions such as infrastructure layer security, application layer security and data layer security; -Security must be lightweight, continuous and embedded in all aspects of deployment tools to ensure "inspection and control points"; -Security needs to be adapted to the configuration complexity brought by cloud applications, and needs to be automated like applications.


Round Table Discussion: Open Source Success Shall Be Led By Enterprise Open Source Office (OSPO)



Viewing the Development Trends of Cloud Native Application Workload from OpenKruise 下载PPT

Cloud native application workloads are well known from Kubernetes native workloads (Deployment, StatefulSet), but on the other hand, we also see that from small and medium-sized start-ups to large Internet companies, the more large-scale application scenarios are, the more these native workloads cannot meet complex business deployment demands. Therefore, many companies have developed their own custom workload suitable for their own scenarios, but among them, only AliCloud’s open-sourced OpenKruise has become a CNCF Sandbox Project, which is truly mature in many aspects such as generalization, comprehensiveness and stability. In this sharing, we will start with Kubernetes native workloads to introduce the responsibilities and implementation basis of cloud native application workload, and then analyze the real demands for application workload in ultra-large-scale business scenarios, how OpenKruise meets these demands, and the development trends under the subsequent open source ecosystem.


Karmada: An Open Source Multi-Cloud Native Container Arrangement Platform 下载PPT

Cloud native has become a general trend, but for enterprise customers, for the sake of data sovereignty and security privacy, enterprise customers will consider using multi-cloud hybrid environments to conduct business. However, the differences in infrastructure capabilities and security architectures of different cloud environments will lead to a serious separation of enterprise IT architecture and operation system, increasing the complexity of multi-cloud hybrid implementation and increasing operation costs. This sharing will introduce the development process, typical stages and representative technologies of cloud native multi-cloud & multi-cluster technology, and share how Karmada, the next generation open source multi-cloud container orchestration engine for cloud native, supports seamless migration of applications from single cluster to multi-cluster through native API.


Application Practice of Knative Eventing System 下载PPT

Knative Eventing is a standardized event platform on open source Kubernetes, which provides a set of mechanisms to manage cloud computing event publishing and subscription, and provides event-based service triggers for Serverless platforms. Knative Eventing provides composable primitives to implement binding between event producers and event consumers. This sharing first introduces the overall architecture and underlaying implementation of the Knative Eventing system; Secondly, the event transmission mechanism in Eventing system is introduced. Finally, the application practice of Eventing system in mobile cloud function calculation is introduced.


Everything You Need to Know About Security Technology of Cloud Native Service Grid 下载PPT

Service Grid is the hottest technology in the cloud native era after Docker and Kubernetes. It has a great tendency to replace the traditional microservice framework and reconstruct the microservice development mode. Istio is currently the most advanced technology and is also the service grid technology most adopted by Chinese developers. Istio mainly provides rich service governance, security and observability in a non-intrusive way. Service governance and observability may be discussed more in various early technical conferences. This speech mainly focuses on how Istio can help developers build zero-trust network security. The contents mainly cover: automatic encryption of inter-service communication, issuance of certificates, automatic rotation, and authentication related functions.


Evolution and Practice of Volcano – A Cloud Native Batch Computing Platform 下载PPT

Volcano is the first container batch computing project based on Kubernetes under CNCF. It provides a set of perfect working mechanisms to solve the scheduling and resource management of high-performance computing services such as AI, Big Data, scientific computing and rendering in cloud native environment. This speech mainly shares Volcano's technological evolution roadmap and typical use cases.


How does Vipshop improve the utilization rate of cluster resources based on Volcano in AI training scenarios 下载PPT

Vipshop’s AI platform supports a complete set of processes and systems of algorithm models from development, training to launch. Its core work includes large-scale distributed model training and model inference optimization. It supports various machine learning and deep learning scenarios such as recommendation, search, advertisement, image and NLP in business to achieve the overall goal of algorithm-driven company performance. This sharing will introduce how Vipshop’s AI platform that relies on Volcano can solve scheduling problems in the training process of TensorFlow model based on K8S: including Gang Scheduling, resource queue management and other practices, and has achieved a good goal of improving resource utilization rate on the whole. In addition, it will also share that Vipshop will use VPA (Vertical Pod Autoscaler) on K8S to dynamically control the use of container resources, that is, to ensure the availability of physical machines and realize the improvement of the overall resource utilization rate under the condition of CPU resources oversold.


Use Tekton + ArgoCD to create cloud native GitSecOps 下载PPT

GitOps is based on declarative systems (such as Kubernetes) and GitHub (or SCM tools such as GitLab) as a single trusted source, which largely solves the deployment of cloud native applications. However, how to handle the storage of sensitive information on GitHub, how to handle the connection of CI/CD, and how to embed other security contents into GitOps are a series of problems to promote GitOps. This speech will share tekton + kustize + sops + ArgoCD to find a practical path for GitSecOps.


Application of WebAssembly in Cloud Native Era 下载PPT

The founder of Docker once said on Twitter that if WebAssembly and WASI were born in 2008, there would be no need to create Docker. WebAssembly is the future of Cloud Computing. It has been three years since this tweet, with the introduction of WASI and the emergence of more and more WASM Runtimes, WebAssembly has made remarkable progress in the development of cloud native field. In this lecture, we will profile several examples of WebAssembly runtime computing at the edge to answer whether WebAssembly can replace Docker in some specific scenarios.


Security Dilemma and Countermeasures of K8S in Production Environment 下载PPT

K8S has become a de facto standard and is widely used in production environments. However, due to the problems of underlying technologies and usage methods, enterprises are facing some difficulties in using K8S in the production environment. This speech will base on the experience in the production environment to share you the K8S security dilemma and countermeasures.


eBPF Practice in MEGVII PaaS Platform 下载PPT

eBPF has been regarded as a revolutionary technology of Linux in recent years, which has gradually attracted people's attention and application, and has brought many new possibilities to cloud native scenarios. This sharing will introduce the practice of eBPF in the process of MEGVII PaaS platform construction.

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Opening Keynote: Ibrahim Haddad – ED of LF AI & DATA

Due to open source, the entry threshold of artificial intelligence is lower than ever before. Open source code, frameworks, platforms and tools build a win-win road: it enables the rapid popularization of artificial intelligence, and also enables enterprises participating in open source to receive support and help from the open source community to accelerate their own application research of artificial intelligence. So, what is the key to open source AI?


Opening Keynote: AI Integrates with Big Data to Help The Digital Upgrade of The Industry 下载PPT

Artificial intelligence and Big Data are different technical systems. As the cornerstone of digital transformation, they depend on each other in more and more scenarios. Making the two technical systems into one enables many frameworks and tools to work together in one system and give full play to their respective strengths, thus becoming the focus of the industry. This sharing introduces some technical research, application scenarios and practical cases done by ZTE in artificial intelligence and Big Data convergence.


Opening Keynote: The Déjà Vu Moments in Building the Future of AI​

In 2000, Intel publicly released the first open source computer vision library (OpenCV). The release has grown dramatically with millions of downloads per year, and it has become one of the core standards in the industry. In this brand-new deep learning model, Intel has once again created an open source visual inference and neural optimization tool suite(OpenVINO) to solve common problems in the artificial intelligence ecosystem. In many ways, this project is familiar to many of us at Intel. Our evangelist, Mr. Raymond Lo, will tell these unknown stories again, reminding us what points we should pay attention to, so as to contribute to the ultimate success of AI open source products.


Milvus: a vector database explores the cloud-native 下载PPT

Embeddings is the core data form for neural networks to represent semantics. At present, the application of neural network is accelerating to practice. Embeddings, a type of vectorized data, is showing explosive growth. However, at the basic software level, it lacks the ability to manage and analyze vector data. The ZILLIZ team launched the open-source project Milvus to address this issue. Milvus is a vector-based data analysis and search engine, currently incubated in LF AI & DATA Foundation. This report will introduce the Milvus project and share the exploration work of the Milvus community in the process of building a cloud-native vector search engine.


Adlik Practice: Inference Optimization of Deep Learning Model 下载PPT

Adlik is an inference optimization tool chain for deep learning model. This speech focuses on the Adlik framework, community operations, and inference acceleration practices.


Architecture Design and Practice of TinyMS, A MindSpore Advanced API Tool 下载PPT

TinyMS is a high-level API tool developed based on MindSpore. It is an open source deep learning development toolkit, provides an extremely simple high-level API package for the whole process from data preparation to model deployment. Through easy-to-scale modular design, it provides the ability to cover a variety of business scenarios and realizes one-key model training and deployment functions. The lecture mainly shares TinyMS's design architecture, design concept, module analysis, and application practices.


Open Intelligence(OpenI): Practical Experience of Artificial Intelligence Open Source Community

OpenI Open Source Community focuses on building a new generation of artificial intelligence open source community with advanced technology, safety and reliability, rich resources and active atmosphere, forming a long-term ecosystem incentive and operation mechanism adapted to China's characteristics, accumulating and condensing common key technologies of the new generation of artificial intelligence open source projects, and forming a technology and standard system. This sharing introduces the construction experience in recent years around the new generation of artificial intelligence open source basic platform, key technologies, community mechanism and key applications.


PaddlePaddle –A Deep Learning Open Source Platform and Its Industry Application

In recent years, domestic and foreign mainstream enterprises have released their own deep learning frameworks. Baidu PaddlePaddle, as China's first fully open sourced and functional industrial-level deep learning platform, has been widely practiced and applied inside and outside Baidu. PaddlePaddle has been applied to search, recommendation, advertising and other scenarios on a large scale. At the same time, Baidu has made many world-leading achievements in voice, vision and NLP fields based-on PaddlePaddle Framework. In today's sharing, we will introduce the core capabilities of PaddlePaddle, including ultra-large-scale deep learning model training technology, multi-terminal and multi-platform deployment of high-performance inference engines, and industrial-level open source model libraries and development kits. At the same time, our lecturer will introduce the overall construction of PaddlePaddle Open Source Community and EDL, an open source project of PaddlePaddle Linux Foundation.


Where the Next Generation of A.I. Goes: Logical Understanding? Physical Understanding? 下载PPT

Although artificial intelligence has reached a climax again with the development of deep learning, the current artificial intelligence is essentially a non-robust pattern matching, which is easy to be attacked and has no deep intelligence (such as theory and experiment, induction and deduction). It is urgent to develop the next generation of artificial intelligence. Based on the analysis and comparison of human intelligence and artificial intelligence, we have come to the conclusion that the direction of the next generation of artificial intelligence is logical understanding and physical understanding, here come some technical clues.


KubeFATE: A Cloud Native Federated Learning Deployment and Operation Management Platform 下载PPT

Federated learning has received extensive attention in industry and academia because it breaks down the barriers of data silos and improves the efficiency of machine learning on the premise of compliance, and is gradually moving towards practical production and application. However, the complexity of federated learning in computing and networking exists objectively. With rich experience in cloud computing and virtualization, VMware CTO Office proposed the concept of cloud native federated learning to solve the practical problems of federated learning in production environment. This speech introduces KubeFATE, an open source project hosted by Linux Foundation, and how to use KubeFATE to deploy, operate and manage industrial-level federated learning system FATE from the perspective of practical application, and discusses how federated learning can work in complex IT environment.


OpenMMLab Computer Vision Open Source Algorithm Architecture 下载PPT

OpenMMLab computer vision open source algorithm system is an influential artificial intelligence open source project in the era of deep learning. It has opened up more than 10 algorithm libraries, covering more than 15 research directions, including image classification, object detection, semantic segmentation, motion recognition, etc. It supports 150+ algorithms and provides 1200+ pre-training models. OpenMMLab has won a total of more than 35,000 star on GitHub, attracting more than 500 code contributors from home and abroad, widely praised by academia and industry, adopted by champion teams in many international academic competitions, and widely used in the actual business of many top Internet enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises.


An Open Source Economics Perspective 下载PPT

Open source is manifested as technological innovation, but behind it is the germination of new economics, new management, new sociology, new political science, new law and other philosophical and social science ideas in the digital era. What is the rationality of open source, which sprouted, blossomed and bore fruit in the traditional industrial society and was finally recognized by the mainstream society after all the hardships? What kind of social consciousness will be generated by the existence of open source society and what impact will it have on the world in the future? Open source needs to be explained from an economic perspective.

Check Sessions


07-10 13:30-07-10 17:30


07-10 09:00-07-10 17:00


07-09 13:30-07-09 17:00


07-09 09:10-07-09 12:10

开源之风已然盛行,随着这股热风极速上涌,开源生态似乎正在得到一次新生。我们今天不仅会说开源的好,还会从不同的角度去论证它的好,诸如它的协作模式、它的商业化成功之道;同时我们也会关注到,今天的开源,开源与云厂的冲突、开源与地缘政治、中国在开源领域的快速发展等成为了新的焦点。 今天的开源与过去的开源有什么不同?未来的开源会如何?此论坛将通过基金会负责人圆桌会谈、开源专家分享独到见解等环节,为参会者勾勒“全球开源新生态”的样貌。


07-05 20:00-07-05 21:00

一个公司开源工作通常都会涉及使用开源、内部开源、对外开源这三件事,如何逐步实践去解决遇到的各种挑战? 如何保障公司使用开源的合规性与安全性? 如何建设内部开源文化建设?如何有序推进内部优秀开源项目持续对外开源?本次分享的只是百度在推进这些事情的一些实践,不一定适合所有的公司,但可以让你了解到会遇到哪些挑战。


06-30 20:00-06-30 21:00

我经常被问到「要怎么做好一个开源社区」。这个问题就好比「要怎么做好一家公司」,没有一个既定的套路确保能成功,但当中的共性、原则和方法论可作为指导方针。 本议题中,我使用「共同体」来称呼 Community,也和要怎么做好它的原则能相呼应。创始成员从最初就要不断共同塑造和打磨共同体的核心价值,共享协作的规则和文化,并且要把哪些角色一步步卷入到共同体中,形成正向循环。 「一个人走得快,但一群人走得远。」为什么这群人愿意结伴同行,还不断有人加入?这就是一个共同体如何良好运作的关键。


06-23 20:00-06-23 21:00

在开源领域,“Community over Code”已成为业界共识。构建繁荣的开源社区生态已成为评估开源项目成败与否的重要标准。在社区建设的过程中有哪些关键要素?又有哪些重要手段?本讲座将结合一些项目和基金会的实践进行分享。


06-16 20:00-06-16 21:00



06-09 20:00-06-09 21:00

在一个开源社区里,你要如何做,才能被接纳为“自己人”?这实际上需要先问清楚自己:你是怎样的一个人,而在社区中你的“人设”又应该是什么样? 怎样通过适应社区中的规则与“潜规则”,打造自己的人设,从而融入社区,这是此次分享的要点,希望大家可以从中有所启发。当然,这不是在教授什么厚黑学。


06-02 20:00-06-02 21:00

据统计,企业内的软件 90% 以上是开源软件,开源软件给企业的业务开发带来极大方便,但是使用开源软件也有各种风险。如何构建一个高效/安全/合规的开源软件供应链呢?这里介绍一个企业开源合规管理的国际标准 OpenChain。
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