Perry Shum
Chair Professor of Electronic and Electrical Engineering Department
and Associate Director of Electronics Department
Prof. Perry Shum received the B. Eng. and PhD degrees in electronic and electrical engineering from of the University of Birmingham, UK, in 1991 and 1995, respectively. In 1996, he joined the Hong Kong University. In 1997, he joined the City University of Hong Kong. In 1999, he joined Nanyang Technological University. Since 2020, he joined the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology. He was the founding member of IEEE Photonics Society Singapore Chapter. Since 2002, he has been appointed as the Director of Network Technology Research Centre and subsequently the founding director of OPTIMUS-Photonics Centre as well as the founding co-director of Centre for Optical Fibre Technology. Dr. Shum has published more than 500 papers with H-Index 59. He was the chair, committee member and international advisor of many international conferences. His research interests are concerned with optoelectronics, sensing technology, silicon photonics and AI applications.