


上海市政府副秘书长 陈鸣波致辞


国家信息安全中心副主任 董大健 致辞

国家信息安全中心副主任 董大健 致辞


Embrace The Era of Open Source 下载PPT



Open Source Accelerator: Creating the Future

Jim's career spans three of the biggest technology trends that have emerged over the past decade: mobile computing, cloud computing, and open source software. Today, as executive director of the Linux Foundation, he uses that experience to accelerate technological innovation through the use of open source and Linux. At the Linux Foundation, Jim works with the world's largest technology companies, including Baidu, Huawei, IBM, Intel, Google, Samsung, Qualcomm and others, to help define the future of software technology on servers, clouds and various mobile computing devices. His work at the vendor-neutral Linux Foundation gives him a unique integrated perspective on the global technology industry.


The 30th Anniversary of The Super Open Source Project--Linux: Sharing from the Father of Linux

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the birth of Linux. Linux has expanded from an open source operating system project to countless different open source projects today. From supercomputers to cloud computing platforms to smart phones, Linux's influence can be said to be everywhere. Today's enterprises rely more than ever on providing value to customers through open source! In this lecture, Linus Torvalds, the father of Linux, will review the unforgettable experiences on this journey, and share the challenges faced by Linux and the future prospects. At the same time, Linus will also share valuable open source experience and suggestions with Chinese developers and enterprises.


Open Source: The Technological Culture of Baidu 下载PPT



Viewing Technology Openness From Open Source Infrastructure 下载PPT



13 years journey of Open Source China 下载PPT



Round Table: "Change" and "Constancy" of Open Source

The wind of open source has prevailed. With the rapid upwelling of this hot wind, the open source ecosystem seems to be getting a new life. What is the difference between today's open source and the past? What will happen to open source in the future? How does open source prosper from different perspectives, in different regions and in different fields? How does the open source collaborative model penetrate into other fields today? How does the conflict between open source and cloud providers? How do open source authors survive? How is open source influenced by geopolitics? How does China actively participate in open source? How to commercialize open source? ..... Leaders from several top international open source foundations will bring an in-depth roundtable talk about the new open source ecosystem.
圆桌主持:Mark Ma | CEO of OSCHINA Founder and Chairman of Forever Opensource Software Inc.
©开源中国(OSChina.NET) 深圳市奥思网络科技有限公司版权所有 粤ICP备12009483号


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